What is "Top-Dress"?
Hey friends! I wanted to take a minute to explain why it is important for your farrier to top-dress your horse's hooves. I know not...
Foundered Horse
This ole gal is a trooper, lemme tell ya. Justin suspects both feet are laminitic but without a radiograph he is not certain about her...
Why you shouldn't skip a trim...
We get it, it happens. Trust me! But it's better to get your horse trimmed a little late than skip them entirely! Here's why... Super bad...
Before After #therapeutic #clydesdale
Glue-On Shoes
Whew, I'm super behind on updating our blog post! In September, we put glue-on shoes on a client's barrel horse. She was always shod on...
Trimming Hercules, pt 3
Thanks to Justin's hard work, Hercules was able to be saved! His hooves have now grown out normally and he has been walking great. His...
Truman is our favorite problem child! He's a Clydesdale/Thoroughbred cross, and he's just the sweetest guy ever. It's his feet that are...
Black Jack
Justin went out to the Clydesdale barn to get caught up on some trims, since the owners were busy baling hay for near 3 weeks. Since...
Trimming Hercules, pt 2
This week, Justin was able to finish up Hercules' front hooves and move on to the back. Hercules did have to be sedated again in order...
Extreme Hoof Wall Repair
Justin's work from yesterday. I've tried to write this in simplified terms so everyone knows what I'm talking about. LOL Justin...